Lawyer Elena Udrea To Return Fees Collected From State Protocol Administration For Legal Assistance

Publicat: 31 01. 2008, 14:22
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:21
Udrea said she will return the entire sum her law practice collected in fees, which amounts to more than RON200,000. She added she is to meet with officials of the authority next week to calculate the exact sum.
“I stand by my opinion that the contracts I had with RA-APPS for legal assistance in 2003 and 2004 are legal,” she said, adding the report drawn up by the government’s control body, led at that time by current interior minister Cristian David, was biased and directed at her as a public figure.
The control body set that RA-APPS attributed legal assistance contracts between 2001 and 2006 without giving all law firms the chance to compete, while sending its own employees to represent the institution in court even though it was paying law firms to do that.
Mid-March 2007, David said the body would propose that the protocol authority recover the money paid to law firms that did not provide the contracted services.