Romanian ’07 Construction Output Growth Highest In EU – Eurostat

Publicat: 19 02. 2008, 16:44
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:24

In the 2007 construction output growth chart, Romania is followed by Poland, with a 12.6% climb and Sweden, with 10.9%.

On the other hand, the most important decreases were registered in Great Britain (-12.7%), Spain (-9.5%) and Slovenia (-8.3%).

Compared to 2006, average output in the construction areas climbed by 3.9% in 2007, on an EU level.

Eurostat also presents the variation of construction output in the fourth quarter, respectively in December 2007, in ratio with the previous quarter or month.

Thus, Romanian construction output growth reached 7.6% between October and December 2007, compared to the interval July-September, the fastest growth in the EU, second ranked being Poland (6.2%) and the Czech Republic (2.6%), while the average in the 27 states was 0.8%.

The 27 EU member states registered an average drop of 0.9% in December 2007.

When calculating construction output, Eurostat tracks two evolutions, namely construction works and civil engineering.