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Romania’s Energy Watchdog To Grant Bonuses To Cogeneration Pwr Prod – PM

Romania’s Energy Authority ANRE will establish each year the names of the cogeneration power producers that will benefit from some bonuses granted by the state, Romania’s Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu said Wednesday.
Romania’s Energy Watchdog To Grant Bonuses To Cogeneration Pwr Prod – PM
09 iul. 2008, 20:03, English

All cogeneration thermal power and electricity producers use modern systems and will benefit from state aids and some bonuses, he said.

In April, the energy watchdog launched a public debate for a government decision aiming to create a program to support the cogeneration power producers by grating them funds came from the taxes collected from the energy consumers and exporters.

The cogeneration power producers, consumers, suppliers, network operators, including Romania’s state-owned power grid operator Transelectrica (TEL.RO) and energy market operator OPCOM will benefit from the bonus-type plan between 2009 and 2022, says the normative act.

The cogeneration power producers using natural gas from the distribution network and the ones using liquid and solid fuel are the ones taken into consideration for the bonus-type plan.

ANRE will establish each year which power plants will benefit from the state support, following the units’ requests. 

In the first year, the bonus will be of EUR34.15 per Megawatt-hour, VAT included, for the power plants using natural gas from the distribution network. In the last year, the value of the bonus drops to EUR30.1 per MWh.

The bonus for the units using liquid fuel will be EUR24.5/MWh in the first year, and EUR14.63/MWh in the last year.

The thermal plants using solid fuel will receive a bonus of EUR26.06 per MWh in the first year, that will be reduced to EUR6.6 per MWh in the last year.

The maximum installed capacity in the cogeneration power plants that benefit from the state aid plan is 4,000 MW, representing 25% of the total power capacities in Romania.

In Romania, the development of the cogeneration power units started in 1950, exclusively for industrial purposes. These power plants began to produce heat and hot water for consumption between 1960 and 1970. 

Domestic state-owned power distributor Termoelectrica, power producer Electrocentrale Bucuresti (ELCEN), and other heating power plants subordinated to local authorities are among the cogeneration power producers in Romania.