Nearly Half Of Romanian School Inspectors Will Be New – Education Minister

Publicat: 07 05. 2009, 14:06
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:20

As for the rest, they will either keep their positions, or those that served terms previously will be brought back, the minister said.

The Education Ministry will issue the dismissal and appointment orders on Thursday to all general school inspectors and their deputies, as well as to directors of educational houses.

Government Ordinance no. 37, regarding decentralization, was adopted on April 15 and allows the replacement of the heads of all decentralized public services. The Government approved on Wednesday the frame-template of the management contract which new directors need to sign and which contains general stipulations regarding performance indicators they must meet.

Prime Minister Emil Boc said Monday that some heads of decentralized services may be reconfirmed in their position, by signing a management contract through which they commit to carry out the Government’s policy on the basis of certain performance criteria.

Boc said the act targets replacing people who “cannot keep up with the pace requested by the ministers.”