Romanian Social Democrats Pushed For Pension Hikes – Social Democrat Leader
“There have been many criticizing us and me for the fact that a sum we promised in the electoral campaign is not entirely applied today. I’m addressing mainly the pensioners now. If the Social Democratic Party had not been part of the ruling today, with the economic forecasts we have, I can assure you no pension would have been hiked and no minimum guaranteed pension would have been introduced,” Geoana said.
He said the wages and pensions would have been frozen for the entire period of economic crisis, if the social democrats had not been part of the Government.
“In my opinion, I feel I have kept my word, as a different calculation was made in September last year when we completed our government offer, based on an estimated economic growth of 6.5%, and on a deficit as it was announced by the former Government, of 2.7% and not of 5.2%,” Geoana said.
Geoana says the cost of the offer the social democrats made based on the data presented by the former Government is of EUR10 billion, which would have been enough to support their commitments.