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Over Half Of Romanians See Their Financial Situation Worsening In 2011 – Poll

More than half of Romanians expect their financial situation to worsen in the upcoming period and two thirds don’t plan to buy anything important for their home in 2011, according to the Consumer Confidence Barometer GfK conducted in December for the EU.
Over Half Of Romanians See Their Financial Situation Worsening In 2011 - Poll
Oana Gavrila
17 ian. 2011, 12:09, English

„Of the past ten years, 2010 was the most affected by pessimism and the general confidence index measured by the Consumer Confidence Barometer conducted by GfK for the European Commission (EC) reached an annual average of minus 54. As usual, however, December brings a slight improvement in Romanians’ perception and a wave of optimist can be felt even during such a hard year,” GfK said in a press release Monday.

More than two thirds of Romanians said in December 2010 their family’s financial situation was more difficult than 12 months before, while only 6% said their financial situation had improved.

Regarding financial outlook, more than have of Romanians expect their situation to worsen, 20% more than in December 2009 but 10% fewer than in the summer months of 2010, which were the most pessimistic of the year.

Regarding investments in long-term consumer goods, the number of people who think this is not a good time for such expenses is higher than the annual average, as over two thirds of respondents said they don’t plan to buy anything important for their home in 2011.

Romanians’ attitude to saving has not seen any major changes either, as 80% of respondents consider this is not a good time to save money, 26% say they have debts (the biggest percentage in the past seven years) and only 12% of respondents say they manage to save money.

Asked about the general state of the economy, 87% of respondents said the economy has worsened in 2010 from 2009, while only 1.5% of Romanians said the economy has improved over the past year.

GfK Romania polled 1,000 Romanians aged 15 and over part of the monthly Consumer Confidence Barometer, co-financed by the European Commission.