Romanian Citizen Loses Patience, Hijacks Transport Bus

Publicat: 30 11. 2008, 16:45
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:08

According to the spokesperson for the Constanta Traffic Police, Ciprian Sobaru, Sunday morning around 0700 GMT, Gabriel Lupescu, aged 23, in Constanta, got on a bus belonging to a private transporter in the city. He wanted to go to Navodari.

The bus was at the beginning of the route and waiting for the time to depart, while the driver and the ticket vendor were on the sidewalk.
At one point, the young man, tired of waiting, sat on the driver seat and left towards Navodari, with all the passengers who were on the bus at the time. Luckily, less than one kilometer away, the bus was stopped by a police cruiser, who saw something suspicious in the driver’s attitude.
Lupescu said he wanted to teach the driver a lesson, as he had previously blocked an inner city crossroads.
Later, Lupescu changed his statement and said he was in a hurry to get to Navodari.
Breath tests revealed that Lupescu had an alcohol concentration of 0.83. The young man will be charged with driving without adequate license and driving under the influence.