Romania 7th In Europe, 11th Worldwide Among Countries With AH1N1 Vaccine – Official
Alexandrescu also said the vaccine produced locally by the Cantacuzino Institute is based on no adjuvant and potential adverse reactions include red spot at the injection site, a slight feverish mood or mild headaches.
The National Medicine Agency head, Iosif Boda, said all vaccine preparation stages were carefully monitored by the Cantacuzino experts, with main focus on the risk-benefit ratio, which concluded the amount of benefit outweighs the amount of risk.
Health Ministry secretary of state Adrian Streinu-Cercel said family physicians and the categories to be vaccinated have been thoroughly informed in this respect to further spot potential adverse reactions.
The first 250,000 doses of AH1N1 pandemic vaccine produced by the Cantacuzino Institute will be delivered Thursday to public health departments in Bucharest and the Republic of Moldova.
Romanian Health Ministry’s Coordination Committee decided Monday on the categories of population who should benefit first from vaccination against the AH1N1 virus, and 1.34 million doses will be used on healthcare staff, students and militaries.
Streinu-Cercel said early November the vaccination against the AH1N1 virus is recommended but is not compulsory, adding a responsible attitude in this respect will reflect in the future reports of infections.
He also said at that time the vaccine produced by the Cantacuziono Institute observes international standards, adding that the institute will produce about five million vaccine doses by the end of the year, and in 2010 other five million doses will be produced.