Six EU countries still lack caller location for mobile 112 calls: Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, and all are currently subject to EU infringement proceedings, the Commission said.
Romania is also among the nine countries that failed to report on response times to 112 calls once connected, alongside Belgium, France, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, and Slovakia.
Romania is also among the ten member states that did not provide information about the ability of national 112 emergency centers to answer calls in at least one EU language that is not their national or official language. The other nine states are: Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal and Slovakia.
The Commission has stepped up its efforts to promote the use of the charge-free European emergency number 112 in the European Union.
The Commission announced that starting Tuesday, the new website will tell citizens how to use 112 and what to expect from it, particularly when they travel within the EU. The website also shows how 112 functions in each member state: how quickly calls are answered and in which languages.
"The millions of EU citizens going on holidays this summer only need to remember one emergency number: 112,”said EU Telecoms Commissioner Viviane Reding.
"While 112 is now available in all but one country across the EU, I call on member states to make 112 better known and more effective. All EU citizens should know they can dial 112 to reach emergency services. I especially urge those Member States yet to introduce caller location, which helps emergency services find accident victims, to do so for all 112 calls as soon as possible. I am also counting on rapid action from the Bulgarian authorities to finally make 112 available nationwide,” she added.