Romanian Opp Party Threatens To Challenge Pension Bill Constitutionality Over Rejected Amendments
Vasilescu said the party will push for its pension bill amendments to be accepted by the Senate in plenary, adding the party will insist on a lower retirement age, and higher pensions for people with disabilities, law enforcement, magistrates and military staff.
„If our amendments aren’t accepted in plenary, not only will we vote against the bill, but we’ll also challenge it at the constitutional court because it breaches the principle that says laws cannot be applied retroactively,” Vasilescu said.
Social democrat senators said in a press release Thursday they would uphold in plenary all amendments to the pension bill that the Senate’s committee for labor rejected Wednesday.
The Senate’s labor committee adopted Wednesday the country’s draft pension law with amendments and agreed on a pension point of at least 45% of the average gross salary. The committee agreed that the pension point, an indicator used by authorities to calculate pensions, be of at least 45% of the average gross salary, and rejected amendments instating special pensions for magistrates and military staff and amendments lowering the proposed retirement age.
The bill is pending debates and a vote in the Senate and then in the Chamber of Deputies before it becomes law.