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Romanian Foreign Affairs Min Prompted To Protect Romanian Citizens In Italy

Several Romanian NGOs sent an open letter to foreign affairs minister Cristian Diaconescu asking him to notify the Council of the European Union on the "serious violations of European legislation committed by the Italian state."
Romanian Foreign Affairs Min Prompted To Protect Romanian Citizens In Italy
20 feb. 2009, 17:39, English

The signing organizations – Centrul de Resurse Juridice, Asociatia ACCEPT, Romani CRISS, Centrul Euroregional pentru Initiative Publice, Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate, Agentia de Dezvoltare Comunitara "Impreuna" and Institutul pentru Politici Sociale – asked for a stance “on a community level” regarding the situation of Romanian citizens in Itlay.
The NGOs ask Diaconescu to notify the European Union Council on the actions of the Italian state, which "have a direct effect on the security of Romanian citizens in Italy."