Phishing Operations, Likely From Romania, Target USA Child Support Cash

A phishing operation, probably originating in Romania, targeted users of bank cards the authorities in Pennsylvania use to disburse child support payments and unemployment compensation benefits.


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Phishing Operations, Likely From Romania, Target USA Child Support Cash

The e-mails seek personal information and account data of clients holding Eppi Cards used in 15 states in the USA to distribute government money, Pittsburgh Tribune Review said on its website.
The e-mails may appear to be legitimate, but the links they contain go to bogus Internet sites.
"It's very disappointing to see this," said Dan Richard, director of the Bureau of Child Support Enforcement.
Officials urged Eppi Card holders not to divulge any information. 
Richard said it is the first time rip-off artists have targeted the Eppi Card in this way, adding the authorities are not aware of any cardholders falling victim to the scam.
Authorities have attempted to jam the Internet sites, but the criminals operating them simply move to others.
About 50,000 families in Pennsylvania receive child support payments via this type of debit cards.

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