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Orban: The government will have the same composition. I am pleased with the work of each minister

Ludovic Orban has announced, at the PNL Executive Bureau meeting, the ministers' list of the new Government was approved and is the same composition as the old Cabinet, noting that he was satisfied with the activity to each minister.
Orban: The government will have the same composition. I am pleased with the work of each minister

„The National Liberal Party has unanimously approved the government program, which represents an update of the government program on which the Government that I lead on November 4 was invested. The Government will have the same composition. In three months, the Government that I lead has achieved performances and achieved the objectives which I am convinced that few Romanians would have expected. I am satisfied with the activity of each minister, they are competent, honest, hardworking, dedicated to serving the public interest and, as such, the government team is proposed in the same composition as the government which has been functioning since November 4”, Orban has said.

According to him, the objectives that have already been achieved in the formula of the government’s program presented on 4 November, 2019 have been removed from the governance program.

„We have added some objectives, both in the area of European funds and in the area of public works, regional development and administration, in the area of internal affairs, objectives that are supplementary to the objectives that had existed in the previous governance program”, according to him.

The list of ministers and the adjusted government program will be sent to Parliament on Monday to request the approval vote.