Plane On W Romanian Airport Delayed Takeoff Over Technical Problems
A Valencia-bound airplane belonging to airline Wizz Air, scheduled for takeoff Wednesday from the Timisoara International Airport in western Romania, remained on the ground after pilots found a technical problem, postponing takeoff for Thursday afternoon.
10 viewsPlane On W Romanian Airport Delayed Takeoff Over Technical Problems
Timisoara International Airport spokeswoman Nicoleta Trifan said Thursday that the 140-passenger plane, which should have taken off Wednesday at 7.55 p.m. local time, remained on the ground after pilots reported technical problems.
According to the airport's website, the plane belongs to low-cost airline Wizz Air.
Trifan said the company decided to put the passengers from outside Timisoara up in a four-star hotel and postpone takeoff for Thursday at 2.30 p.m.
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