PM Calls For Caution In Investigations Regarding Nokia Plant In Romania

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said on Wednesday the country’s Anticorruption Department must handle with more care subjects regarding important investors like Finnish company Nokia in order not to scare the investors away.


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PM Calls For Caution In Investigations Regarding Nokia Plant In Romania

The Premier said he does not object to the department wanting to investigate the legal frame regarding the circumstances in which lands were bought in the Jucu area before the Nokia plant was relocated but asked for more caution.

Tariceanu said that companies might rethink investing in Romania for fear that their name might be associated with investigations, prosecutors and other such things that could damage their image.
On Tuesday the DNA said that its Cluj branch is not looking into the contract concluded between Finnish mobile giant Nokia and local authorities, but the circumstance in which lands were bought in the area before the plant was relocated.  
DNA added the investigation targets the circumstances in which land was bought in Jucu before Nokia relocated there and before the contract had been concluded, as there are allegations that some buyers had information that Nokia was to open a production unit on the respective lands.
Nokia in February started production at its new plant in Jucu, Cluj county, where it assembles phones to be sold in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

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