Romania Could Be Net Exporter Of Food In Less Than 10 Yrs – Min

Publicat: 06 11. 2008, 13:00
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:07

"I hope it’s doable, but we need fiscal policy. Our current fiscal policy still encourages the black market. If for some sector we can’t speak about lower taxation, we could be more flexible when it comes to agriculture,” Ciolos said, adding farmers also need to be well organized to capitalize their products.

Asked how long it would take Romania to become a net exporter of food products, the minister said he hopes it takes less than ten years.

Ciolos attended a seminar Wednesday discussing Poland’s experience with the Common Agricultural Policy and the two countries’ common stances regarding future EU policies in agriculture.

Both Romania and Poland will support a balanced and common European agriculture policy, that doesn’t discriminate between older and newer member states, during talks on the budget to be assigned after 2013.

The two countries consider historical differences in granting subsidies should be disregarded, as the criterion would favor older EU members, and geographical differences should be considered instead.

"This means calculations need to be made depending on production costs and conditions in different areas. On hills and in the mountains, for instance, costs are higher and production is lower,” Ciolos said.

The minister added Romania and Poland also back the continuation after 2013 of payments per hectare, even though the European trend is to focus on backing investments.

"Of course investments need to be supported too, but at the same time, we have to support farmers get revenues allowing them to back those investments. Because of the unreliable nature of farming output, banks may not be willing to grant loans spanning over several years, while direct payments offer stability, Ciolos said.