Police Camera Flashes Bring Patient Back To Life In SE Romania

An 84-year old woman from the southeastern Romanian town of Cernavoda was pronounced dead after suffering a stroke. Later, the flashes used by the police officers on the scene seemed to bother the deceased, who was soon found to be alive.


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Police Camera Flashes Bring Patient Back To Life In SE Romania

According to the Constanta County Police Inspectorate, the woman, Defta Tudor, lives alone in her home and she had not been seen by the neighbors for a few days. The neighbors called Tudor’s relatives, who in turn called the Emergency Inspectorate. The intervention team broke down Tudor’s door and found her lying on the floor. When the ambulance arrived on the scene, the nurse pronounced the patient dead after the preliminary checkup, and called the police.

Cernavoda police came to investigate the scene and noticed that Tudor was still alive, as she reacted to the investigators’ camera flashes. According to a press release issued by the police, investigators established that the nurse did not examine the patient with proper medical procedure.

Tudor was transported to the hospital in nearby Medgidia, where doctors established that she had suffered a stroke. She remained in the hospital to receive medical attention, and her state is currently stable.

Deputy secretary of state within the Ministry of Health Raed Arafat said the nurse in question resigned.

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