CASCO-insured Romanian drivers will be able to skip police proceedings from January 1, 2009 in case of traffic accidents resulting only in car damage, the country’s insurance regulator CSA said Tuesday.
Police Proceedings No Longer Required In Case Of Victimless Car Crashes As Of ‘09
“We are aware that insurers will have to put up additional human resources and time to implement this regulation. For the insured, however, the regulation will be an alternative to the current proceedings, and they will be able to save time by not going to the police,” CSA head Angela Toncescu said.
She said insurance companies will be able to provide CASCO-insured drivers with the documentation necessary for them to have their cars fixed, so there will be no need for drivers to actually go to the police to have these papers issued.
The new regulation is included in Order 12/2008 of the Insurance Supervisory Commission, or CSA, which was published in the Official Gazette of Romania end July.
According to latest CSA data, the number of valid CASCO car insurances on Romanian territory reached 1.3 million policies by end June.
The capital city Bucharest, which counts some one third of Romania’s car fleet, reported 73,700 car crashes resulting only in vehicle damage in 2007.
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