According to Chelaru, the prime minister will first assume responsibility for the education law, then for the unitary law regulating wages across the public sector and for the law regarding the reorganization of public institutions and authorities.
Chelaru added amendments to these three packs of laws can be brought within three days, until Friday, and the final version of the amended draft laws will be made public early next week, most likely on Tuesday.
Chelaru said the oppsoition parties argued three days are not enough for amendments to the draft laws.
Chelaru added it was nevertheless decided that September 11 will be the last day to bring further amendments to the three packs of laws, and the Government will analyze and approve some of them by Monday.
Romanian democrat liberal leader Gheorghe Flutur said Monday the country’s ruling coalition decided the Government will take responsibility before Parliament on September 15 for the laws on education, unitary pay and spending cuts in the public sector.
Flutur added the date was set for September 15 because the school year starts on September 14 and lawmakers might be away to attend school opening ceremonies.
„We have agreed in the coalition that the prime minister will address the Parliament in plenary session on September 15 to assume responsibility for the laws,” Flutur said.
The democrat liberal official added the two chambers of Parliament will set terms for the submission of amendments to the laws.
The three draft laws for whose enactment the government plans to take responsibility reached Parliament Monday morning.
Prime Minister Emil Boc said last week after the Cabinet meeting the government had decided to assume responsibility for the enactment of the laws on education, the unitary pay law regulating wages in the public sector and the reorganization of government agencies and other economic measures targeting public spending cuts.