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Romania’s IT&C Regulator Sets New Interconnection Fees For Fixed Telecom Ops

Romania’s IT&C regulator on Monday said RomTelecom, the largest hard-line telephony operator on the local market, alongside 37 other relevant peer operators will apply interconnection fees of EUR1.16 per minute (VAT excluded) starting with September 1.
Romania’s IT&C Regulator Sets New Interconnection Fees For Fixed Telecom Ops
21 iul. 2008, 20:17, English

The list of relevant hard-line telecom operators includes, besides RomTelecom, Vodafone Romania, RCS&RDS, Orange Romania, UPC Romania, the National Radiocommunications Company (SNR) etc., the regulator said in a statement.

It said interconnection fees for alternative telecom operators will be lowered to EUR0.97 per minute as of July 1, 2009.

The IT&C authority also said alternative telecom operators have to comply with transparency and nondiscrimination requirements when dealing with other operators and that they have to allow the latter access and usage of specific network elements.