Romanian international airport Henri Coanda Otopeni outranked, in traveler opinion, large international airports such as Paris' Charles de Gaulle, Rome's Fumicino, London or Frankfurt, in certain aspects of service quality, according to a poll cited by the Ministry of Transport.
Poll Places Romanian Airport Henri Coanda Otopeni In Top Class Service-Wise
In chapters such as "Thoroughness and attention in the performance of security checks," "Security check waiting time" and "Feeling of safety and security inside the airport," the Otopeni airport outranks airports such as Charles de Gaulle, London, Brussels, Madrid, Frankfurt, Milan, according to research unfolded by the International Airports Council based on replies offered by passengers between October and December 2008.
As for the facilities, the Otopeni unit is seen as a friendly airport, where passengers don’t have to cross long distances to get to their points of interest and they receive good visual directions for orientation. On this chapter, passengers placed Otopeni on the same level as Vienna, Athens, Zurich or Helsinki.
At the same time, the study indicated "potential for improvement" on the segments connected to air transport, namely traffic to and from the airport, restaurants, shopping, WI-FI or currency exchange, according to a press release issued by the Romanian Ministry of Transport.
The study included 125 airports.
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