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Romanian Audiovisual Watchdog To Ask President Not To Promulgate Amendment Regulating News Bulletins

The head of Romania’s National Audiovisual Council, or CNA, Rasvan Popescu, said Thursday the council will ask President Traian Basescu not to promulgate the amendment to the audiovisual law adopted by the Senate Wednesday.
Romanian Audiovisual Watchdog To Ask President Not To Promulgate Amendment Regulating News Bulletins
26 iun. 2008, 13:36, English


The Senate decided unanimously to introduce an amendment stating that news bulletins on Romanian television and radio stations will have to ensure a 50% – 50% balance of positive and negative stories.

"We have to take a clear and firm stand to the amendment adopted Wednesday by the Senate. We have to ask the president not to promulgate this law, especially since the law is already being amended, and Ministry of Culture has already approved a draft in this respect. In this context, a change regarding the balance of positive and negative news stories in TV and radio bulletins must be discussed,” Popescu said.

"I was unpleasantly surprised that we weren’t invited to the Senate’s discussions, especially since this is an issue that concerns us directly,” he added.

The Senate adopted unanimously the proposition which amends the audiovisual law 504/2002.

Initiators said the proposition targets improvements in the general climate and gives the audience a chance to have a balanced perception on day-to-day realities.

The Senate is the decisional chamber in the matter.