„We analyzed the situation and concluded that an operative system should not be disrupted. Therefore, the 2011 program will function similarly to that implemented this year.”
In exchange for a scrapped car, owners received in 2010 a voucher worth 3,800 lei (EUR1=RON4.2953) but no more than three vouchers could be used to buy a new car.
The minister said next year’s clunkers program will start in early February. The unused vouchers issued in 2010 (about 13,000, according cu ministry data), will be valid until January 31, after authorities decided to extend the deadline by one month.
Borbely said early November that the 2011 edition of the clunkers program will permit the use of four vouchers worth RON3,000 each to purchase a new car, instead of three vouchers worth RON3,800 each, like in 2010.
According to the latest data released by the ministry, 186,854 used cars have been scrapped this year through the clunkers program and about 60,000 new cars have been bought using vouchers.