Real,- Opens Its Largest Romanian Store, In EUR22.8M Invest
The store has a built area of 14,000 square meters, of which 9,700 sqm is the sales area. This is the company’s fourth unit in Bucharest and the 25th in Romania.
In addition, there will be a shopping gallery in front of the store, spanning over 10,800 sqm, hosting clothing and footwear retailers.
The store will be part of a larger shopping center, spanning over 150,000 sqm, which will include one Metro unit, one Obi DIY store, one shopping gallery, underground and surface parking, green areas and a walkway.
The platform will also include the new headquarters of retailers Real and Metro Cash&Carry, which are both units of German group Metro.
real,- Hipermarket Romania posted sales of EUR671 million in 2009, VAT excluded, up 5.2% on the year.