Romania July Private Lending Falls 4.4% On Month

Publicat: 24 08. 2010, 13:05
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 10:08

Compared with the previous month, private lending in Romanian lei was down 2.3% in July, while the loans in foreign currency fell 3.2% on the month. When expressed in euros, hard currency lending decreased by 0.4% compared with June.

The non-government lending was down 2.5% on the year in July, dragged down by local currency loans.

In real terms, private loans in Romanian leu fell 8.2% on the year to RON78.6 billion in July.

Foreign currency loans, when expressed in lei, were up 8.6% on the year to RON128.1 billion. When expressed in euros, hard currency loans rose 7.7% compared with July 2009.

Deposits of non-government resident customers were at RON167.9 billion in July, down 1.3% on the month.

At the end of July, government credit was at RON54.97 billion, up 14.1% in real terms compared with the same period a year earlier.Romanian private lending fell 4.4% in real terms to 206.7 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2244) in July from the month earlier, central bank data showed Tuesday.