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Taxi Drivers Operating On Romanian Otopeni Airport To Charge RON3.5/Km Tops

Taxi drivers operating in the area of Romanian international airport “Henri Coanda” Otopeni are not allowed to charge more than 3.5 lei per km (EUR1=RON4.2495), more than RON3.5 as starting tariff for the trip and RON35/hour as stationing tariff, the airport said in a press release Friday.
Taxi Drivers Operating On Romanian Otopeni Airport To Charge RON3.5/Km Tops
11 sept. 2009, 12:01, English

As of Thursday, the airport has banned the access of taxi cars in its parking lots and it will set up an auction to grant access permits to taxi companies that will further ensure passenger transport in the area.

All transport companies that hold valid taxi licenses can take part in the auction and the participation file can be submitted in the interval October 5-9.

In 2004, taxi company Fly Taxi won a controversial auction allowing it to provide taxi services in the area of Otopeni airport for a five-year period.

According to a draft order of Transport Minister Radu Berceanu, airports must set up auctions to grant access permits to taxi cars and will set a maximum tariff per kilometer.

Airports must also decide on the number of issued licenses and taxi cars needed in the area, depending on passenger traffic, as well as taxi routes and waiting places.

Airports must also take the necessary measures so that taxi companies that manage to obtain access permits will stick on their cars the „AIRPORT” label and the logo of the respective airport.

Taxi drivers will not be allowed, among others, to enter passenger terminals and approach potential clients, to drive their cars inside public parking lots located near passenger terminals or to refuse taking aboard a client on ethnic, racist or religious grounds, or simply because the trip is too short.

Failure to observe these rules will entitle the airport administration to suspend or annul taxi drivers’ access permits.