Preliminary Results At GMT 1330: PSD+PC Alliance 31.07%, PDL 29.71 %, PNL 14.52%, UDMR 8.92%

Preliminary results from the Central Electoral Office (BEC), at GMT 1330, indicate the alliance formed of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the Conservative Party (PC) secured 31.07% of the votes, the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) obtained 29.71% and the National Liberal Party (PNL) got 14.52%.


Imaginea articolului Preliminary Results At GMT 1330: PSD+PC Alliance 31.07%, PDL 29.71 %, PNL 14.52%, UDMR 8.92%

Preliminary Results At GMT 1330: PSD+PC Alliance 31.07%, PDL 29.71 %, PNL 14.52%, UDMR 8.92%

Furthermore, the Hungarian minority party (UDMR) obtained 8,92%, followed by far-right Greater Romania Party (PRM) with 8.65% and independent candidate Elena Basescu with 4.22%, BEC spokesperson, Marian Muhulet, said Monday. 
The PSD+PC alliance obtained 1,504,218 votes, or 31.07%; PDL got 1,438,000 votes, or 29.71%; PNL obtained 702,974 votes, or 14.52%; UDMR got 431,739 votes, or 8,92%; PRM obtained 419,094 votes, or 8.65%; Elena Basescu obtained 204,280, or 4.22%; the National Christian-Democratic Peasants' Party (PNTCD) obtained 70,427 votes, or 1.45%; Abraham Pavel got 49,864 votes, or 1.03% and the Civic Force Party obtained 19,436 votes, or 0.4%.
The total number of voters at the European Parliament elections on June 7 reached  5,035,297, or 27.67%.
The total number of valid votes reached 4,840,032, or 96.12%.
BEC will present the next results Tuesday at GMT 1000.

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