Romanian Economy Ministry May Cut 10-15% Of Staff By Year-End – Sources
„By the end of the year 10-15% of the Ministry’s employees may be laid off, while the number of state secretaries will be three,” the sources said.
People close to talks in the Government said last week that the Executive will halve spending on phone bills, travels, fuels and office supplies in all its institutions and agencies, in addition to a 20% spending cut on goods and services and a 25% cut in wages and staff numbers.
The Government has also decided in principle to cut the number of state secretaries to two instead of three, except for the ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs and possibly those of Regional Development and Economy, the sources said. Economy Minister Adriean Videanu said at the time he has „no problem” in reducing the ministry’s staff by 25%.
The Cabinet will hold a meeting on Sunday to discuss the restructuring of public bodies and a 25% staff cut in every ministry.
In April, Videanu said the institution had been restructured „early,” going to 700 employees, from 896 when he took office in December 2008. According to its organizational chart, the maximum number of Economy Ministry employees is 875, excluding dignitaries and positions in the minister’s cabinet.
On the other hand, the cabinet’s chart provides for 13 jobs. A further 20 people are employed by the cabinets of the five state secretaries.
All in all, the Economy Ministry employs 908 people.