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Romanian Fmr Tennis Player Ilie Nastase Fined Over Racist Comments

Romanian former tennis player Ilie Nastase was fined 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.2897) Monday by the country’s National Council Against Discrimination for his saying French president Nicolas Sarkozy was right to deport Roma people.
Romanian Fmr Tennis Player Ilie Nastase Fined Over Racist Comments
Oana Gavrila
20 dec. 2010, 17:28, English

„Mr. Nastase has been fined RON600 over his statements on the Roma community,” people in the council told MEDFIAFAX Monday, added the decision to fine the former tennis player was unanimous.

In October, Nastase told Romanian sports daily Pro Sport French President Nicolas Sarkozy „is right about gypsies” and, if he [Nastase] were the President of Romania he would have sent Roma people to live in Harghita county (central Romania), and change the ethnic balance in the area. Romania has a large community of ethnic Hungarians living in the country’s central region.

„Sarkozy is right in the gypsy issue. Yes, this is my opinion. I see politicians in Romania and other countries frown on the French and speak about human rights and free movement. I would have a problem to have someone live in a tent outside my house, harass me with begging and scare my children away when they’re out playing. The French have nothing against people who mind their own business, but when you come to Paris to beat and steal, what can you expect?” Nastase told Pro Sport.

He added France has protected its citizens and the Romanian President should do the same adding Romania, not France, needs to solve the Roma situation.

„You know what I would have done if I were president of Romania? I would’ve sent gypsies to Harghita, where there are a lot of Hungarians and about 12 Romanians,” Nastase told the paper.