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Head Of Romanian Ftbl League Indicted In Bribery Probe

Romanian prosecutors on Monday charged Dumitru Dragomir, head of the Professional Football League, or LPF, with taking bribery in a land purchase deal.
Head Of Romanian Ftbl League Indicted In Bribery Probe
03 dec. 2007, 15:56, English

Dragomir was summoned for hearings at the headquarters of the National Anticorruption Department, or DNA.

Constantin Iacov, former chairman of FC National’s Board, last year accused Dragomir of taking bribery in connection to the land used for construction of the LPF headquarters.

Icov said LPF paid four times the value of the land.  

Dragomir denied all allegations.

“Iacov, from FC National (currently Progresul football club – ed.n.), filed a complaint against me about a year ago for calling him a fraud. And it turned out he is one, as he sold the team, the team got demoted, he sold valuable players… and then he filed papers at DNA and now the prosecutors are doing they jobs. And it is all good, let them do their job. They called and told me Iacov made a complaint and they have to hear me,” Dragomir told reporters Monday.