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Ruling Party to Decide European Election Lists Next Week

Lower Chamber Deputy Chairman Florin Iordache told MEDIAFAX on Wednesday that the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) will hold an executive committee meeting next week to validate their list of candidates for the European Parliament election.
Ruling Party to Decide European Election Lists Next Week
Ionut Preda
20 mart. 2019, 19:05, English

According to Iordache, the meeting will take place “either Monday or Tuesday” and will be chaired by party leader Liviu Dragnea, despite the latter’s health concerns.

Asked by MEDIAFAX if the meeting will also discuss a possible replacement of Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, the PSD MP denied the claim, but said instead that the group will discuss other subjects after “talks on the European Parliament election will cool down”.

All Romanian parliamentary parties with the exception of PSD and opposition party PMP have announced their European Parliament election lists.

Party leader Liviu Dragnea was hospitalized with back pain on Sunday. PSD secretary-general Codrin Stefanescu later announced that the Lower Chamber chairman is suffering from a double hernia and cervical problems.

The European Parliament election will be held on May 26 in Romania.