President Requests Work Schedule Of Every Upcoming Cabinet Meeting

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis sent a letter on Monday to Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, requesting her to notify him of the work schedule of every upcoming cabinet meeting, in the context of talks on a government decree for amnesty and pardoning.


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President Requests Work Schedule Of Every Upcoming Cabinet Meeting

In the letter, published in a statement issued by the Presidential Administration, the head of state points to a government decision which states that interested public authorities can request the work schedule of a cabinet meeting with 24 hours in advance.

This comes after leaders of the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD), including chairman Liviu Dragnea, have intensified their calls for an emergency decree regarding amnesty and pardoning, which they say is meant to “fix past judicial abuses”.

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader also said on Monday that the decree is seen as a last solution for amending the alleged abuses, but that other legislative solutions for the subject will be discussed first.

President Klaus Iohannis can also choose to lead a cabinet meeting, as he did in January 2017, when a similar decree was rumored. The decree in question was passed and later abolished following the largest protests in Romania since the 1989 Revolution.


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