President: Romania’s Economy Might Grow 3% In 3Q Compared With July-Sept 2010

Romania’s economy might grow 3% in the third quarter of the year compared with the same interval a year ago if the country’s economic performance in September is not spectacularly bad, President Traian Basescu told a news conference Sunday.


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President: Romania’s Economy Might Grow 3% In 3Q Compared With July-Sept 2010

Speaking after a meeting with representatives of the International Monetary Fund, European Commission and the World Bank, the head of state said the most significant increases in the third quarter of 2011, considering July-August data, are registered in the agriculture sector (12%), constructions (10%) and tourism (19%).

Romanian consumer prices fell for the fourth straight month in September, on cheaper food, while the annual inflation eased to 3.45%, the lowest rate in over two decades.

A joint mission of the IMF, the European Commission and the World Bank will be in Bucharest until November 7 to review Romania's progress under a EUR5.4 billion loan agreement signed in April.

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