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- Ionut Preda
Online news - Breaking news and last minute updates - Last update: 10:22, 2 februarie 2025
President Signs Retirement of New Constitutional Court Judge Cristian Deliorga
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis signed on Thursday a decree retiring Constanta Court of Appeal judge Cristian Deliorga starting with Friday, as the magistrate is set to become a constitutional judge next week.
13 viewsPresident Signs Retirement of New Constitutional Court Judge Cristian Deliorga
Deliorga filed for retirement after he was appointed as the Romanian Senate’s nominee for constitutional judge in May. He will serve a nine-year term with the court.
The former deputy of Romania’s top judicial watchdog, the Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM), will replace outgoing constitutional judge Simona-Maya Teodoroiu at the court, after the latter’s warrant expires this Saturday.
Alongside Deliorga, the former chief of the Section for Investigating Judicial Offences (SIIJ) Gheorghe Stan will also take a seat on Romania's Constitutional Court, after he was nominated by the Lower Chamber in May. Former presidential advisor Simina Tanasescu took the court’s oath of office earlier this week.
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