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Romania On The Right Track With Ecotourism Strategies – UNWTO Oficial

Romania’s tourism strategies promoting the Carpathian Mountains and the Danube Delta are right and in line with the European trend in the tourism sector, Taleb Rifai, secretary general of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), said Monday after a meeting with Romanian Tourism Minister Elena Udrea.
Romania On The Right Track With Ecotourism Strategies - UNWTO Oficial

Rifai said Europe is choosing ecotourism, and added Romania is on the right path when it adopts strategies that focus on the Carpathian Mountains and the Danube Delta.

He highlighted tourists tend to renounce traditional seaside destinations and find alternative destinations.

According to the UNWTO official, the European tourism was affected by the crisis precisely because it focused on seaside tourist destinations.

Rifai said he supports Udrea’s effort to use the internet and social networks to promote Romania as a tourist destination, adding the country has a great tourism potential.

Rifai said Udrea pointed out to what needs to be done to support tourism in Romania, namely improving the collaboration between the state and the private sector, as well as the system collecting data from tour operators.

Rifai said he will also meet with President Traian Basescu on Monday and will hand him an open letter that he has addressed to all the presidents and prime ministers he met with over the past nine months, calling on them to support tourism.