Romanian Public Servants To Picket Govt Thursday, Stage Full-Blown Strike On May 5
National Federation of Unions in Public Administration leader Valer Suciu told a news conference Wednesday that the federation decided Thursday’s protests will be followed by a full-blown strike starting May 5, as the Government did not respect the promises made in February when unionists cancelled protests.
Suciu said unionists protests are triggered by the new wage law which reduced public servants’ salaries by 45%, as well as by planned layoffs in the sector.
The union leader said the Government infringed the law, disregarded courts’ rulings and breached collective work contracts.
Suciu said that starting May 5, city halls, county councils and other public administration institutions countrywide will cease activity indefinitely.
Suciu said that, in 2008, new employments were made only in the central administration, adding the number of employees in the local administration increased in 2008 not due to new employments but because local institutions took over a series of activities from the central administration.
The union leader underscored that the local administration sector is currently faced with a lack of personnel.