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Romanian Senator Draws Up Amendment To Sanction Lawmakers Who Skip Parliament Meetings

Romanian democrat liberal senator Iulian Urban drew up a draft amendment to Law 96/2006 regarding lawmakers’ statute whereby deputies and senators who are absent without leave to 50% of Parliament’s plenary meetings would lose their lawmaker seats.
Romanian Senator Draws Up Amendment To Sanction Lawmakers Who Skip Parliament Meetings
14 apr. 2010, 16:16, English

The draft amendment states that lawmakers who are absent from 25% of the Parliament’s plenary meetings and meetings held in Parliament committees during a session will lose the right to take the floor in plenary meetings and will have their indemnities and refundable expenses cut to half.

Urban proposed that lawmakers who skip more than 50% of the Parliament’s plenary meetings and meetings in Parliament committees during a session should lose their lawmaker seats.

The draft amendment states that breaches of duty will be analyzed by the Senate’s committee for legal matters, the immunity committee, the validation committee and the discipline committee, following notifications to the Senate chairman.

According to the draft amendment’s explanatory note, several lawmakers have skipped meetings held in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, which hindered the two chambers’ activity. Urban said many lawmakers seem to have forgotten why they were elected in Parliament.

The senator pointed out that lawmakers who are absent from Parliament meetings still receive full indemnities and financial compensations.