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Romanian Govt Advised To Review Grammar, Logic Flaws In Law Packs

The Romanian Legislative Council sent the Government a plea for added care in writing, annexing some 50 pages of corrections aimed at grammatical and logic mistakes noted in the three laws for which the Executive intends to take responsibility in Parliament.
Romanian Govt Advised To Review Grammar, Logic Flaws In Law Packs
08 sept. 2009, 16:44, English

In the documents sent to the government, the council warns that the draft laws refer the reader to articles and annexes that are nowhere to be found in the laws’ bodies, the names of several government agencies are not correctly written and some of the normative acts use flawed logic.

„The draft law refers the reader to Annex no. 3, even though the document only includes two annexes,” says one of the council’s observations regarding the law reorganizing the agencies.

The council also noted the texts refer readers to the wrong paragraphs, the years stated for the enactment of older laws are wrong and the draft documents state norms referring to articles not at all connected to the decisions in question.

„We note the numerous norms with wrong reference encountered, which imposes a more careful analysis of the texts,” the institution writes.

Another observation noted involves the employees for whom the various legal provisions apply, namely several institutions have been overlooked, including the Legislative Council itself.

The draft laws on national education, the unitary wage system and the reorganization of government agencies with the reduction of public spending were sent to Parliament for analysis in view an upcoming assumption of government responsibility.