Prime Minister And Transport Minister To Discuss Raising Prices For Subway Tickets

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday that she will have a meeting with resigning Transport Minister Lucian Sova to discuss a possible increase in the price of Bucharest subway tickets.


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Prime Minister And Transport Minister To Discuss Raising Prices For Subway Tickets

According to the prime minister, the meeting was set to take place on Thursday evening.

The resigning minister accused the subway workers’ union of blackmailing public subway company Metrorex to gain wage increases, by threatening with a strike, adding that the obtained raises will have to be paid from an increase of ticket prices.

Subway workers will receive a 20% raise, after Metrorex and the union agreed on a new collective bargaining agreement for the year.

This ended weeks of labor conflict between the parties, with union leaders threatening with a general strike last month.


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