Prime Minister Denies Rumors Of An Upcoming Amnesty And Pardoning Decree

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday that the Government is not currently drafting a decree on amnesty and pardoning, and excluded any such initiative being passed this year.


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Prime Minister Denies Rumors Of An Upcoming Amnesty And Pardoning Decree

“We do not have something like that on the agenda, I do not have something like that on my table (…) As prime minister, I do not have a bill which stipulates something like that. I did not even have discussions on the matter, so I couldn’t tell you,” said the Romanian chief of cabinet.

Asked if she excludes the possibility of a decree on amnesty and pardoning being passed by the executive until the end of the year, Dancila also responded positively.

Rumors about the decree in question surfaced in the past couple of weeks, indicating the final Government meeting before Christmas as a possible occasion on which it would be passed.

The decree is reportedly requested by party leader Liviu Dragnea, who could also stand to benefit from it. The social-democrat leader denied knowledge of any such initiative on Wednesday.

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