Prime Minister: Government To Pass 2019 Budget, 45% More Funds Allotted For Investments

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced at the beginning of Friday’s cabinet meeting that the Government will pass the country’s 2019 budget, which is built on a 2.5% target GDP deficit.


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Prime Minister: Government To Pass 2019 Budget, 45% More Funds Allotted For Investments

“We will pass the budget project for 2019 today (…) We took three major pillars into account: health, education and public investments. We also allotted 2% of the GDP for defense spending, ensuring that Romania respects the commitments it took with its NATO partners. We also allotted the European Funds Ministry, for the first time, RON2.3 billion (…) The value of the GDP will surpass RON1,000 billion. The budget deficit will be kept at 2.5% of the GDP,” the chief of cabinet announced at the beginning of Friday’s meeting.

The Prime Minister also gave assurances that public wage and pensions raises will be covered by the budget, which will also see RON49.95 billion reserved for investments, a 45% increase compared to 2018.

Dancila addressed the issue of local budgets, the project’s most contentious point throughout the last week, by announcing a 19% increase in the total sums allotted for local administrations, which will also receive a 100% share of the income tax collected at state level.

“The budget for 2019 is a balanced one and is concentrated both on supporting social policies and development,” Dancila concluded.

The chief of cabinet made no mention, however, of a new controversial spending share which sees local administration take on some of the Government’s expensive, especially regarding social services.

The act must now be approved by the combined chambers of the Romanian Parliament and enacted by President Klaus Iohannis.

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