Prime Minister: I Am Not Afraid Of A No-Confidence Motion

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila downplayed on Monday an announced no-confidence motion which will be filed in the next period by opposition parties, stating that she trusts her party and coalition colleagues to support the Government.


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Prime Minister: I Am Not Afraid Of A No-Confidence Motion

“I am not afraid of a no-confidence motion. I trust all of my colleagues in the ruling coalition and I trust that in the fact that most of the things in the governing program were realized,” the Romanian prime minister said on Monday, following a top-level meeting of the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD).

PSD Chairman Liviu Dragnea echoed her thoughts, stating that he believes the opposition “doesn’t have chances” to bring down the Government.

Opposition parties could file a no-confidence motion against the Viorica Dancila Government around December 10, liberal MP Ioan Cupsa told MEDIAFAX on Friday.

Opposition party leaders have met several times in the past weeks to discuss a no-confidence motion against the Dancila cabinet. Earlier this month, PNL spokesman Ionel Danca said that the liberals are negotiating with discontent ruling coalition MPs, adding that the party reckons that between 30 and 42 of them could be convinced to support the motion.

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