Prime Minister: Romania Supports North Macedonia’s EU Accession

Publicat: 28 02. 2019, 17:53
Actualizat: 02 09. 2019, 17:27

The Romanian PM added that she encouraged Zaev to continue the reform process necessary to open accession negotiations with the EU.

“The visit offers me the occasion to reconfirm our commitment towards continuing the process of extending the EU. The Western Balkans represent a priority area for Romania’s foreign policy and, in this period during which we hold the EU Council presidency, we wish for the entire region to register progresses based on their own merits and to accomplish accession criteria,” the Romanian PM said.

She also congratulated the North Macedonian chief of cabinet for his success in signing the Prespa Treaty, which ended the naming conflict with Greece and opened the country’s path towards future European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

The permanent ambassadors of the 29 NATO member stated signed on February 6 a protocol for North Macedonia’s accession to the alliance.