Prime Minister: Social Democrat Party’s Exclusion from PES Would Favor Extremist Parties

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday in Brussels that an eventual exclusion of the country’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) from the Party of European Socialists (PES) would be a “grave mistake” and would benefit extremist groups throught the EU.


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Prime Minister: Social Democrat Party’s Exclusion from PES Would Favor Extremist Parties

The Romanian chief of cabinet said that PES must not seek to reciprocate the European People’s Party (EPP) suspension of Hungarian ruling party Fidesz, arguing that it would turn Romania into a “bargaining chip” for the situation in Hungary.

“I think that the European People’s Party is making its own electoral campaign and has its own principles. European social-democrats are also making their own campaign have their own principles. I think that the main danger is that this reciprocity related to some countries will make its way into the European Parliament, because everyone would lose except for the extremis forces,” Dancila said following a PES meeting in Brussels on Thursday.

The PM also said that Romania was not criticized during Thursday’s PES meeting.

The European People’s Party decided on Wednesday evening to suspend the membership of Hungarian ruling party Fidesz, with the group’s Political Assembly voting 190 to 3 in favor of the measure.

However, Hungarian Prime Minister and Fidesz leader Viktor Orban said that the party unilaterally decided to suspend its membership in the pan-European group.

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