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Killers Of Romanian Handball Player Marian Cozma Get Life Sentences

The Veszprem County Court in western Hungary on Thursday sentenced Sandor Raffael and Gyozo Nemeth to life in prison for the murder of Romanian handball player Marian Cozma, who was stabbed to death outside a nightclub in February 2009.
Killers Of Romanian Handball Player Marian Cozma Get Life Sentences
Oana Gavrila
23 iun. 2011, 12:30, English

A third defendant in the case, Ivan Sztojka, was sentenced to 20 years in prison, Hungarian news agency MTI reported.

All three defendants were found guilty of murder and causing bodily harm.

Cozma was the mainstay of Hungary’s MKB Veszprem team when he was stabbed to death in front of a club in Veszprem in February 2009. His team-mates, Serbian Zarko Sesum and Croatian Ivan Pesic, suffered life-threatening injuries in the fight that ensued with their attackers.