Romanian Govt To Propose Multiannual Budget This Year –Fin Min

Publicat: 24 05. 2008, 16:00
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:54

Vosganian said the parliament has never been forwarded this type of budget proposal.

"This summer we shall propose the parliament a multiannual budget draft. This is the first time Romania has done that," the minister said.

According to Vosganian, the multiannual budget draft will entail debates in parliament on a series of projects targeting upgrade works on airports in eastern region Moldavia, beltways and highway routes.

"We need an ambitious infrastructure program," the minister said.

Vosganian said the government proposes this biannual program because 2008-2010 is the second cycle of the Lisbon strategy and we must achieve some very clear targets.

"This program will include, for the first time, an economic growth forecast for each county. We shall propose a long-term program targeting all administrative levels," the minister concluded.

Romanian President Traian Basescu Friday told a press conference that the enforcement of the Lisbon strategy is a very important issue for the country’s future, stressing Romanians need to be told that the Lisbon strategy targets economic growth, productivity and competitive wages.