Prima pagină » English » Romanian Hospitals That Fail To File Reorganization Requests By April 1 Won’t Receive Funds

Romanian Hospitals That Fail To File Reorganization Requests By April 1 Won’t Receive Funds

The Romanian Labor Ministry will not disburse funds to hospitals included in a reorganization program aimed to develop a network of nursing homes if they do not submit requests to be turned into care homes by April 1, Health Minister Attila Cseke said Tuesday.
Romanian Hospitals That Fail To File Reorganization Requests By April 1 Won’t Receive Funds
Ioana Tudor
29 mart. 2011, 16:20, English

According to the minister, only seven of the 67 healthcare units included in the reorganization plan have submitted such requests at the Labor Ministry.

Hospitals proposed for reorganization have 90 days to get accreditation to operate as care homes and the Labor Ministry will disburse funds based on certain criteria, said Cseke.

On March 9, the Government approved a program aimed to develop a network of nursing homes financed with funds from the state budget. The Government has drawn up a list of 67 hospitals that will be turned into nursing homes. These hospitals employ 678 doctors and 2,086 nurses.

The Labor Ministry said Romania currently has 130 nursing homes, some backed by local authorities, others by non-governmental organizations or private companies, which accommodate 7,154 senior citizens. Romania has 4,180 senior citizens on waiting lists for spots in nursing homes.