Privatizations, Public Acquisitions Should Be Sealed On Bourse - Romanian SMEs Min

Privatizations and public acquisitions in Romania should be made through the Bucharest Stock Exchange to eliminate any suspicion as to the correctness of the operations, Constantin Nita, the Minister for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Commerce and Business Environment, said Tuesday.


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Privatizations, Public Acquisitions Should Be Sealed On Bourse - Romanian SMEs Min

The bourse should be used, as this is the most transparent institution, Nita said at the opening of the Bucharest Stock Exchange's trading session.

"There will always be people questioning the correctness of privatizations and public acquisitions. Thus, all suspicions will be eliminated," Nita added. 

On the other hand, he said that the ministry is working on a draft law to support SMEs to be listed on the stock exchange.

SMEs’ access to the capital market is an old project that has been proposed for approval in 2007 by the SMEs minister of that time, Ovidiu Silaghi.

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