Romanian Liberal MEP Calls On EP To React To Press Freedom Threats In Romania
Nicolai sent a message to all MEPs saying the European Parliament must be informed about such derailing from democracy.
„Can you imagine that, in a European Union of the twenty-first century, a member state lists the media among potential threats to its national security? This is what is happening in my country, Romania! It is hard to imagine that a country that guarantees freedom of the press in its Constitution and where any potential breach of the law by journalists is already regulated can come up with such a measure!”, Nicolai said in her message to European lawmakers.
Nicolai, who is the vice-president of the EP’s sub-commission for security and defense, called for an urgent reaction to the limitation of press freedom.
„Who defines what is true and what is false? How can a journalist investigate government actions or political events without risking accusations of denigrating state institutions if his report contains any criticism toward the government? Should we expect that journalist to be tried for treason at any moment? I believe this tendency to limit press freedom, which has become increasingly apparent in new member states , must be treated with the utmost seriousness,” she said, adding the European Parliament must be informed and take a stand with respect to such measures.
Romania’s defense strategy, adopted by the Defense Council Wednesday and sent to Parliament for approval, lists „orchestrated media campaigns that denigrate state institutions by disseminating false information” among threats to national security, beside terrorism, corruption and organized crime.