Professional Portfolio Of Romania’s Ex Justice Min Goes Public

The professional portfolio of Monica Macovei, former prosecutor of the Prosecutors’ Office within the Supreme Court and former justice minister, reveals a series of disorders in her activity.

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After president Traian Basescu refused to appoint senator Norica Nicolai as the new justice minister, saying her reputation has been dented in the public eye, journalists asked the Public Ministry to publish the professional portfolio of former justice minister Monica Macovei.

 Moreover, the press also referred to the case of prosecutor Daniel Morar, head of the National Anticorruption Department, responsible for Romania being condemned by the European Court in Strasbourg in the Liviu Ciupe file. Ciupe, in charge of the roads and bridges direction of Bistrita county was illegally arrested.

Macovei resigned in 1997 from the prosecutor position, after Nicolae Cochinescu, prosecutor general at the time, asked that Macovei’s activity be checked. The checkup took place at the end of 1996, when Macovei was prosecutor within the Prosecutors’ Office, the Section of Criminal Prosecution and Criminology - The Service For Human Rights and Criminology.

At the time, Macovei’s direct superior, prosecutor Adrian Vlad, said almost 200 of Macovei’s cases were pending the court’s ruling. Controls revealed that a lot of files kept piling up on Macovei’s desk for nearly 1,030 days.

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